Kuala Lumpur Station

Kuala Lumpur Station
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Topseværdigheder tæt på Kuala Lumpur Station

Kuala Lumpur Station: Vores mest anbefalede ture og aktiviteter

Kuala Lumpur: City Tour & Batu Caves Combo

Kuala Lumpur: City Tour & Batu Caves Combo

På det angivne tidspunkt for afhentning ankommer vores guidede chauffør til din hotellobby til Kuala Lumpur City + Batu Caves Tour. På rejsen til kongens palads fortæller guiden om paladsets historie og Malaysias historie med konger. Ved turens første stop kan de besøgende fotografere det enorme palads og de kongelige vagter. Efter at have udforsket paladset giver chaufførguiden dig indsigt i det næste stop, den nationale moské. Når du når frem til den nationale moské, vil du blive betaget af dens unikke paraplyformede design og enestående funktioner. Derefter tager chaufføren dig med til Kuala Lumpurs jernbanestation, hvor du får mulighed for at se den fascinerende blanding af østligt og vestligt design fra 1886, der er et vidnesbyrd om byens rige arv. Derefter kommer du til den ikoniske Independence Square, hvor Malaysias uafhængighed blev erklæret. Du bliver mødt af en enorm plads omgivet af bygninger fra kolonitiden og den berømte cricketbane i engelsk stil. Besøgende kan tage billeder af Uafhængighedspladsen og besøge KL Gallery lige ved siden af. Når du har forladt Independence Square, bliver du ført til KL Tower. På vejen dertil kører du forbi "Den Gyldne Trekant", Kuala Lumpurs handels- og forretningscentrum. Under turen til tårnet beskriver chaufføren og guiden betydningen af verdens 7. højeste telekommunikationstårn og de oplevelser, man kan få derinde. Når du ankommer til KL Tower, kan du nyde panoramaudsigten over Kuala Lumpurs horisont. Fra KL Tower kører guiden dig til Petronas Twin Towers, den højeste tvillingestruktur i verden. Når du ankommer til tårnene, bliver du overrasket over deres enorme højde på 88 etager, mens chaufførguiden afslører fascinerende detaljer om tårnenes konstruktion og betydning. Efter besøget i tvillingetårnene tager du på en 30 minutter lang naturskøn tur til turens sidste stop, Batu Caves-templet. På vej til templet fortæller chaufføren om templets og de omkringliggende hulers historie og minder også om de regler og den påklædning, der skal overholdes, når man besøger templet. Når du kommer til Batu Caves, bliver du mødt af den enorme Murugan-statue, der ligger lige ved siden af den hellige hinduistiske helligdom, der ligger blandt kalkstenshuler. Turister får mulighed for at klatre op ad de 272 trin til fods, beundre de kunstfærdige helligdomme og nyde panoramaudsigten over byen nedenfor. Efter besøget i templet fortsætter turen med et besøg på East Coast Batik Factory. Guiden på fabrikken vil forklare om den malaysiske nationaldragt, batik, mens du ser, hvordan batik omhyggeligt fremstilles og designes, og forstår formålet med det. Når turen er slut, kører din turguide dig tilbage til dit hotel og siger farvel efter en mindeværdig udflugt i Kuala Lumpur og Batu Caves.

Kuala Lumpur: 4-timers udforskningstur

Kuala Lumpur: 4-timers udforskningstur

Denne 4-timers tur er din mulighed for at besøge og fotografere de mest ikoniske seværdigheder i Kuala Lumpur som Kongens palads, Uafhængighedspladsen, Petronas Twin Towers, Den Nationale Moske, Kuala Lumpur-hovedbanegården og meget mere. Se den storslåede Merdeka-pladse, der er et symbol på malaysisk uafhængighed og en af de mest maleriske pladser i verden. Du kan beundre arkitektoniske mesterværker både fra moderne og gammel tid. Du der Kongens palads, det berømte Istana Negara, der er en residens for kongen af Malaysia. Besøgende kan ikke komme ind i bygningen, men du kan tage billeder af den fascinerende arkitektur og vagtskiftet, hvilket sker hver time. Petronas Twin Towers er et ideelt sted at tage en spektakulær selfie. Tårnene kan med rette betragtes som et højdepunkt på enhver tur til Kuala Lumpur. De giver dig muligheden for at nyde byens skyline og fange uforglemmelige øjeblikke på dit kamera. Du vil også besøge den Nationale Moske. Masjid Negara er bygget i 1965, og den ligger i hjertet af byen midt i frodige grønne haver. Du kan beundre en af de mest elegante bygninger i Kuala Lumpur, som byder på en spektakulær kuppelen dækket af grønne og blå fliser. Bygningen har også 48 mindre grønne kupler spredt over hele den Mecca-inspirerede plads. Det kinesiske Thean Hou-tempel er en smuk synergi af stilarter som buddhisme, taoisme, og konfucianisme, der tilsammen danner et uforglemmeligt arkitektoniskt samspil. Se mange statuer af dyr fra astrologiens verden og imponerende statuer af Barmhjertighedsgudinden og Havnefrontsgudinden. Se Lake Gardens, der er et smukt og beroligende tilflugtssted fra byens travlhed. Besøg Nationalmuseet, der er hjemsted for samlinger af antikke og moderne kunstværker, våben og traditionelle kostumer. Nyd den udsøgte facade på Kuala Lumpur Hovedbanegård, der er et rigtig godt sted at tage billeder med de eventyrlignende tårne og en blanding af arkitektur fra både øst og vest. Nationalmonumentet kaldes også Tugu Negara, og det er et mindesmærke for de liv, der blev tabt i kampen for den malaysiske uafhængighed. Det er designet af den amerikanske arkitekt Felix de Weldon, og dette monument er den højeste skulpturgruppe lavet af bronze, der nogensinde er skabt. I afslutningen af turen bliver du kørt tilbage til dit hotel i en behagelig minibus med aircondition.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat halvdagstur i byen

Kuala Lumpur: Privat halvdagstur i byen

Vores chaufførguide møder dig på dit hotel omkring det angivne afhentningstidspunkt, og på turen til vores første stop, Kongeslottet, fortæller chaufførguiden om byens rige historie, mens han udpeger berømte vartegn undervejs. Når du ankommer til det enorme kongepalads, går du udenfor og beundrer den komplicerede arkitektur og tager billeder af det enorme palads sammen med de kongelige vagter. Du sætter dig ind i bilen igen og kører til næste stop, Nationalmonumentet, hvor du bliver budt velkommen af en enorm bronzestatue til ære for landets faldne soldater. Chaufførguiden viser rundt og fortæller om bronzestatuen, inden turen går videre til den nationale moské. Når du ankommer til den nationale moské, vil du blive betaget af dens unikke paraplyformede design og enestående funktioner. Du kan beundre detaljerne og indfange moskéens skønhed på baggrund af den klare blå himmel. Chaufførguiden bringer dig derefter til den historiske Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, som med sin smukke arkitektur fører dig tilbage i tiden, mens vores chaufførguide fortæller dig om stationens historie og dens betydning som transitcenter i Kuala Lumpurs tidlige dage. Du bliver derefter bragt til den ikoniske Independence Square, hvor Malaysias uafhængighed blev erklæret. Du bliver mødt af en enorm plads omgivet af bygninger fra kolonitiden og den berømte cricketbane i engelsk stil. Derefter går du mod KL Gallery, hvor du får en unik udsigt over Kuala Lumpurs skyline ved hjælp af en miniaturekopi. Efter at have besøgt KL Gallery går du tilbage til køretøjet for næste stop, River of Life. Du vil bemærke de fantastiske omgivelser og skønheden i Klang- og Gombak-floderne, der løber sammen lige foran Masjid Jamek. Turen fortsætter gennem Den Gyldne Trekant, som er byens forretnings-, handels- og shoppingcenter. Vores chauffør-guide udpeger fremtrædende steder og forklarer udviklingen af Kuala Lumpur fra en beskeden tinmineby til en kæmpestor by. Efter at have kørt forbi Den Gyldne Trekant får du mulighed for at forkæle dine sanser i Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom, hvor du kan prøve et udvalg af chokolader og nyde deres rige og unikke smag og få mulighed for at købe dem. Ingen rejse til Kuala Lumpur er komplet uden et stop ved de berømte Petronas Twin Towers. Når du ankommer til tårnene, bliver du overrasket over deres enorme højde og smarte design. Chaufførguiden afslører fascinerende detaljer om tårnenes konstruktion og betydning som symbol på Malaysias modernitet og det nationale olie- og gasselskab, Petronas. Til sidst hopper vi tilbage i bilen til vores sidste stop, KL Tower, hvor du kan nyde panoramaudsigten over Kuala Lumpur fra oven. Når du ankommer til tårnet, bliver du ført op på observationsdækket, hvor du kan se hele byen brede sig ud under dig. Turen slutter, når du siger farvel til KL-tårnet, og vores chauffør og guide sætter dig af på dit hotel i Kuala Lumpur.

Kuala Lumpur: Tur med 21 attraktioner og billet til KL Tower

Kuala Lumpur: Tur med 21 attraktioner og billet til KL Tower

The starts off with a complimentary hotel pick-up by your friendly driver guide. On your way to the first stop, Batu Caves, your driver guide would brief you about the history of the temple and the caves surrounding it and would also remind you of the regulations and dress code that need to be adhered to while visiting the temple. Upon reaching the Batu Caves, you'll be greeted by the enormous Murugan statue located right next to the sacred Hindu sanctuary situated among limestone caves. Climb the 272 colorful steps to marvel at the impressive 140-foot golden statue Lord Murugan and the stunning cave interiors while enjoying panoramic views of the city below. Next, visit the King's Palace, the official residence of the Malaysian monarch. Drive past the impressive Parliament House, a symbol of Malaysia's political landscape, as you continue your journey. The driver guide would then bring you to visit the National Monument, a tribute to Malaysia's fallen heroes, surrounded by the serene Perdana Lake Gardens. This picturesque stop offers a moment of reflection amidst lush greenery. The tour continues to the beautiful National Mosque for a quick visit, where you admire the unique Islamic architecture and the minaret. After that, you'll get to stop at the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station which portrays a stunning example of Moorish heritage architecture. Explore Independence Square, home to colonial buildings and the world's tallest free-standing flagpole. Visit the KL Gallery (included) to see old photographs and learn about the city's rich history. You'll be brought to the River of Life a to witness the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers, a historically significant site marking Kuala Lumpur's beginnings. Then, drive through the Old Quarters of Kuala Lumpur, soaking in the charm of its colonial-era buildings before moving to the next stop. Enjoy a delicious local lunch at the famous Pelita restaurant (at your own expense), known for its sumptuous Malaysian cuisine. You'll then head up to the KL Tower's observation deck (ticket included) for breathtaking 360-degree views of the city. After admiring the panoramic views from KL Tower, you get to admire the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest twin structures in the world, perfect for an impressive photo opportunity. Drive past the vibrant Brickfields Little India before stopping to explore the bustling Chinatown nearby. At Chinatown's Petaling Street, you can wander through the lively streets and take in the bustling environment. You move on to Central Market, where you get to buy traditional Malaysian souvenirs. Visit the serene Guan Di Temple and the ornate Maha Mariamman Temple, each offering a glimpse into Kuala Lumpur's diverse religious heritage. If you wish, watch a hand-painted batik demonstration at Dong or visit Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom for a sweet treat. As your exciting day draws to a close, your driver guide will safely drop you off back at your hotel.

Kuala Lumpur: Byens seværdigheder, Batu-hulerne og dagsudflugt med ildfluer

Kuala Lumpur: Byens seværdigheder, Batu-hulerne og dagsudflugt med ildfluer

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through Kuala Lumpur's most iconic sights, venture into the historic Batu Caves, and end your day with a magical firefly boat tour in Kuala Selangor. The adventure begins with a complimentary pick-up from your hotel in Kuala Lumpur by our friendly driver guide. Upon pickup, you set off to the King's Palace as the guide points out noteworthy locations along the road. When you arrive at the enormous King's palace, you stroll outside to admire its majesty and intricate Islamic architecture, and imposing gates guarded by the royal guards. After the photo stop at King's Palace, the guide will bring you to the National Mosque of Malaysia, where you'll admire the delicate details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. From the National Mosque, you will be brought to the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, where you will learn about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur. After a quick photo stop, you get back into the vehicle for the next stop, Independence Square. Arriving at the Independence Square, you will be surrounded by colonial-era buildings and a renowned English-styled cricket pitch. Next, you walk your way to the KL Gallery, where you'll get a unique view of the city's model. Arriving at the gallery, you're intrigued by the miniature replica of Kuala Lumpur's skyline. You will have a photo stop at Masjid Jamek to admire the confluence of the Klang and Gombak Rivers right in front of the Jamek Mosque. After driving past the Golden Triangle, you will arrive at the majestic Petronas Twin Towers, which will captivate you with their 88-story towering height and sophisticated design. After exploring the city, you embark on a 30-minute drive to Batu Caves, one of Malaysia's most famous attractions. Climb the 272 colorful steps to the main temple, nestled within ancient limestone formations. Discover the many Hindu shrines and statues, and enjoy breathtaking views from the top. The Batu Caves offer a unique blend of natural beauty and spiritual significance. As the sun starts to set, head to the charming village of Kuala Selangor and travel up to Bukit Melawati, where you'll witness the famous Altingsburg Lighthouse with panoramic views of the surrounding area and encounter the adorable Silverleaf Monkeys and get the chance to feed them. Moving on, you get to enjoy a delicious seafood dinner, savoring the fresh flavors of the local cuisine. After dinner, board a boat for a magical journey along the Kuala Selangor river. Watch in awe as thousands of fireflies and blue tears light up the mangrove trees and the river, creating a mesmerizing display of natural lights. After the enchanting firefly tour, return to your hotel in Kuala Lumpur, concluding your day filled with incredible sights and unforgettable experiences.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat tur til Putrajaya og Batu-grotterne

Kuala Lumpur: Privat tur til Putrajaya og Batu-grotterne

The Grand Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Batu Caves Tour starts off with our driver guide picking you up at your hotel lobby at the designated time. Upon pickup, you set off to Batu Caves. On the way, the driver guide would advise you on the regulations and dress code that need to be followed while visiting the temple, as it is a place of worship. As you arrive at the Batu Caves, you are greeted by the 140-foot tall statue of Lord Murugan. As you climb 272 colorful steps into the cave shrine, you'll notice vivid murals of Hindu scripture and encounter the macaques that live on the lush cliff face as you approach the cave temple. After visiting Batu Caves, your driver guide will bring you back to Kuala Lumpur to visit the King's Palace, the official residence of the Malaysian monarch. Moving on, you'll visit the National Mosque, known for its beautiful modernist architecture, perfect for capturing memorable photos. You'll then proceed to the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, a magnificent example of Moorish architecture. Snap some photos before heading to Independence Square, surrounded by colonial buildings and featuring the world's tallest free-standing flagpole. You may walk your way to the KL Gallery nearby to view historical photographs and gain insights into Kuala Lumpur's past. Then, stop at the River of Life to see the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers, a historically significant site marking the city's origin. The next stop of the tour would be the KL Tower, the world's 7th tallest telecommunications tower, rising at 421 meters. The KL Tower's observation deck provides panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur. After descending, drive through the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur's commercial and shopping hub. After admiring the Kuala Lumpur skyline through the KL Tower, you'll stop for photos at the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest twin structures in the world, standing at an impressive 1,483 feet. The tour continues with a 45-minute journey to Putrajaya, a city that blends modernity with a charmingly rustic feel. As you arrive in Putrajaya, you stop at the Palace of Justice for a photo stop, you may enjoy its majestic structure. When you arrive at the Putra Mosque in Putrajaya, you are charmed by its gorgeous, pink-domed architecture. You step outside for a photo opportunity and appreciate the mosque's peaceful surroundings. After visiting the mosque, you step outside and visit the Putra Square, which is surrounded by modern architecture and is where you can photograph prominent sights. As we have a quick photo stop by the Prime Minister and Minister Offices in Putrajaya, you'll learn about the heart of Malaysia's government and its political significance. As you set to leave Putrajaya, you'll drive past the Prime Minister's Residence as you're in awe of its grandeur. As your enriching day concludes, your driver guide will return you to your hotel, leaving you with unforgettable memories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat heldagstur til 10 vidundere

Kuala Lumpur: Privat heldagstur til 10 vidundere

Nyd den fantastiske udsigt over Klang floden fra Kongens palads, og beundre Merdeka pladsen (Uafhængighedspladsen), inden turen går til Petronas Twin Towers for at tage elevatoren til observationsdækket i verdens højeste tvillingetårne. Træd ud på den broens to etager for at opleve byen fra et andet perspektiv. Stop på National Museum, og tag derefter til Lake Gardens, og få lidt fred og ro. Gå en tur i National Monument, inden du fortsætter til National Mosque, for at se dens 73 meter høje minaret, og dens blanding af østlig og vestlig arkitektur. Beundr den anglo-asiatiske udformning af Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, som er skabt af den talentfulde engelske arkitekt, Arthur Benison Hubback. Gå til Thean Hou Temple med dens 6 lag, dedikeret til gudinden Tian Hou. Opdag, hvordan buddhisme, konfucianisme og taoisme kan eksistere i næsten perfekt harmoni, med udsmykkede udskæringer, elegante tage, og indviklede vægdekorationer. Besøg det syvende-højeste tårn i verden, og kom op i toppen for at få en panoramaudsigt over byen. Beundr fantastiske design af de iranske arkitekter, Isfahan, som har designet kuplerne i form af persiske muqarnas. Nyd en lækker, autentisk frokost, og shop unikke og autentiske håndværk.

Kuala Lumpur 4-timers tur til religiøs harmoni i Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur 4-timers tur til religiøs harmoni i Kuala Lumpur

Nyd en halvdagstur, der fremhæver de vigtige religiøse og kulturelle steder i og omkring Kuala Lumpur. Turen begynder kl. 09.00 med afhentning på hotellet og kørsel til Batu-hulerne i en airconditioneret bil med chauffør/guide. Batu-hulerne er en populær attraktion i Selangor. Grotterne, der er stedet for et hinduistisk tempel og helligdom, tiltrækker tusindvis af tilbedere og turister, især under den årlige hinduistiske festival Thaipusam. Der er 3 hovedgrotter med templer og hinduistiske helligdomme. En stejl klatring op ad 272 trin belønnes med udsigt over Kuala Lumpurs fantastiske skyline. Aberne boltrer sig omkring grotterne, og det er et populært sted for klatreentusiaster. I Ramayana-hulen kan man se malerier og afbildninger af hinduistiske guder. Besøg den nationale moské, eller Masjid Negara på det lokale sprog. Den blev bygget mellem 1963 og 1965 og skulle minde om Malaysias uafhængighed. Moskeen har plads til 15.000 mennesker og ligger på 13 hektar grønne områder og smukke haver. Dens design er dristigt og moderne og symboliserer det nyligt uafhængige lands forhåbninger. Dernæst skal du se Thean Hou-templet, et af de ældste og største templer i Sydøstasien. Det ligger sydvest for byen og er en populær turistattraktion. Det buddhistiske tempel med 6 etager er også kendt som Himlens gudinde-templet, som siges at beskytte fiskerne. Der er også en helligdom til Guan Yin, gudinden for barmhjertighed. Det blev bygget af KL's Hainanese samfund i 1894 og ligger på en bakke og byder på en vidunderlig udsigt over byen. Nyd et kort stop ved en sikh gurdwara, inden du besøger Brickfield Church og vender tilbage til dit hotel. Bemærk, at turen ikke kun omfatter religiøse steder, men også andre seværdigheder såsom National Monument, den gamle jernbanestation, Independence Square og Petronas-tvillingtårnene.

Fra KLIA eller Port Klang: Kuala Lumpur Transit Tour

Fra KLIA eller Port Klang: Kuala Lumpur Transit Tour

Discover the highlights of Kuala Lumpur on a tour ideal for those on transit from the airport or seaport and with less than a day to explore the city. The tour starts with a pick-up from Kuala Lumpur International Airport or the cruise terminal at Port Klang by our driver guide, who will then proceed to bring you to your first stop, Batu Caves. While on the scenic journey to the first stop of the tour, our driver guide would brief you about the history of the temples and would also remind you of the regulations and dress codes that need to be adhered to while visiting the places of worship. At the Batu Caves, you'll be greeted by the enormous 140-foot Murugan statue located right next to the sacred Hindu temples situated among 400-million year old limestone caves. You'll get the chance to climb up the 272 steps to reach the main cave temple, where you can admire the religious sculptures and vivid murals within and enjoy panoramic views of the city below. You'll then get back into the vehicle for a 30-minute ride back to Kuala Lumpur for your next stop, the King's Palace. On the way there, your driver guide will provide insights on Malaysia's royal lineage. Arriving at the enormous King's palace, you stroll outside to admire its intricate architecture and capture photographs of the massive palace along with the royal guards. You get back into the vehicle for the next stop, the National Mosque. When you arrive at the National Mosque, you'll be captivated by its unique umbrella-shaped design and outstanding features. You can admire the details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. The driver guide will then bring you to the Historic Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which transports you back in time with its beautiful Moorish architecture as our driver guide tells you about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur . You'll then be brought to the iconic Independence Square, where Malaysian independence was declared. You are met by a huge square surrounded by colonial-era buildings and the famous English-style cricket ground. Visitors are able to take photos and visit the KL Gallery right next to it. After departing from Independence Square, you will be driven along the streets of Kuala Lumpur City Center to your final stop, the Petronas Twin Towers. On the way there, you would drive past the “Golden Triangle”, the commercial and business hub of Kuala Lumpur, where you may find high-end shopping malls, luxury hotels, and unique high-rise architecture. When you arrive at the towers, you are taken aback by their sheer 88-story height as the driver guide reveals fascinating details on the towers' construction and significance as a symbol of Malaysia's modernity and the national oil and gas company, Petronas. As the transit tour concludes, your driver guide will safely drop you back at the airport or seaport in time to make your onward travel connections.

Kuala Lumpur byrundtur med billet til KL Tower

Kuala Lumpur byrundtur med billet til KL Tower

Our driver guide meets you at your hotel around the designated pickup time, and on the journey to our first stop, the King's Palace, the driver guide shares insights into Malaysia's royal lineage while pointing out famous landmarks along the way. Arriving at the enormous King's palace, you wander outside while admiring its intricate architecture and capture photographs of the massive palace along with royal guards. You get back into the vehicle for the next stop, the National Monument, where you're welcomed by a huge bronze statue honoring the country's fallen soldiers. The driver guide will give you a tour and provide facts about the bronze statue before heading to the National Mosque. When you arrive at the National Mosque, you'll be captivated by its unique umbrella-shaped design and outstanding features. You can admire the details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. The driver guide will then bring you to the Historic Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which transports you back in time by its beautiful architecture as our driver guide tells you about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur. You'll then be brought to the iconic Independence Square, where Malaysian independence was declared. You are met by a huge square surrounded by colonial-era buildings and the famous English-style cricket ground. You'll then walk towards the KL Gallery, where you'll get a unique view of Kuala Lumpur's skyline by the miniature replica. After visiting the KL Gallery, you head back to the vehicle for the next stop, the River of Life. You'll notice the stunning setting and the beauty of the Klang and Gombak rivers merging right in front of Masjid Jamek. The tour continues through the Golden Triangle, which serves as the city's business, commercial and shopping hub. Our driver guide points out prominent sites and explains the development of Kuala Lumpur from a modest tin mining town. After driving past the Golden Triangle, you get to indulge your senses at Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom, where you can try a selection of chocolates, enjoying their rich and unique flavors, and get a chance to buy them. Enjoy a complimentary tea or coffee before moving on to the next stop. No trip to Kuala Lumpur is complete without a stop at the renowned Petronas Twin Towers. The driver guide reveals fascinating details on the towers' construction and significance as a symbol of Malaysia's modernity and the national oil and gas company, Petronas, as you marvel at the 88-story towers. Finally, we jump back into the vehicle for our final stop, the KL Tower, where you can enjoy panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur from above. When you arrive at the tower, you are permitted inside the observation deck, where you can enjoy 360-degree panoramic views of the cityscape. The tour concludes as you bid farewell to the KL tower, and our driver guide drops you off back at your hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

Kuala Lumpur Station: Vores mest anbefalede ture og aktiviteter

Kuala Lumpur: City Tour & Batu Caves Combo

Kuala Lumpur: City Tour & Batu Caves Combo

På det angivne tidspunkt for afhentning ankommer vores guidede chauffør til din hotellobby til Kuala Lumpur City + Batu Caves Tour. På rejsen til kongens palads fortæller guiden om paladsets historie og Malaysias historie med konger. Ved turens første stop kan de besøgende fotografere det enorme palads og de kongelige vagter. Efter at have udforsket paladset giver chaufførguiden dig indsigt i det næste stop, den nationale moské. Når du når frem til den nationale moské, vil du blive betaget af dens unikke paraplyformede design og enestående funktioner. Derefter tager chaufføren dig med til Kuala Lumpurs jernbanestation, hvor du får mulighed for at se den fascinerende blanding af østligt og vestligt design fra 1886, der er et vidnesbyrd om byens rige arv. Derefter kommer du til den ikoniske Independence Square, hvor Malaysias uafhængighed blev erklæret. Du bliver mødt af en enorm plads omgivet af bygninger fra kolonitiden og den berømte cricketbane i engelsk stil. Besøgende kan tage billeder af Uafhængighedspladsen og besøge KL Gallery lige ved siden af. Når du har forladt Independence Square, bliver du ført til KL Tower. På vejen dertil kører du forbi "Den Gyldne Trekant", Kuala Lumpurs handels- og forretningscentrum. Under turen til tårnet beskriver chaufføren og guiden betydningen af verdens 7. højeste telekommunikationstårn og de oplevelser, man kan få derinde. Når du ankommer til KL Tower, kan du nyde panoramaudsigten over Kuala Lumpurs horisont. Fra KL Tower kører guiden dig til Petronas Twin Towers, den højeste tvillingestruktur i verden. Når du ankommer til tårnene, bliver du overrasket over deres enorme højde på 88 etager, mens chaufførguiden afslører fascinerende detaljer om tårnenes konstruktion og betydning. Efter besøget i tvillingetårnene tager du på en 30 minutter lang naturskøn tur til turens sidste stop, Batu Caves-templet. På vej til templet fortæller chaufføren om templets og de omkringliggende hulers historie og minder også om de regler og den påklædning, der skal overholdes, når man besøger templet. Når du kommer til Batu Caves, bliver du mødt af den enorme Murugan-statue, der ligger lige ved siden af den hellige hinduistiske helligdom, der ligger blandt kalkstenshuler. Turister får mulighed for at klatre op ad de 272 trin til fods, beundre de kunstfærdige helligdomme og nyde panoramaudsigten over byen nedenfor. Efter besøget i templet fortsætter turen med et besøg på East Coast Batik Factory. Guiden på fabrikken vil forklare om den malaysiske nationaldragt, batik, mens du ser, hvordan batik omhyggeligt fremstilles og designes, og forstår formålet med det. Når turen er slut, kører din turguide dig tilbage til dit hotel og siger farvel efter en mindeværdig udflugt i Kuala Lumpur og Batu Caves.

Kuala Lumpur: 4-timers udforskningstur

Kuala Lumpur: 4-timers udforskningstur

Denne 4-timers tur er din mulighed for at besøge og fotografere de mest ikoniske seværdigheder i Kuala Lumpur som Kongens palads, Uafhængighedspladsen, Petronas Twin Towers, Den Nationale Moske, Kuala Lumpur-hovedbanegården og meget mere. Se den storslåede Merdeka-pladse, der er et symbol på malaysisk uafhængighed og en af de mest maleriske pladser i verden. Du kan beundre arkitektoniske mesterværker både fra moderne og gammel tid. Du der Kongens palads, det berømte Istana Negara, der er en residens for kongen af Malaysia. Besøgende kan ikke komme ind i bygningen, men du kan tage billeder af den fascinerende arkitektur og vagtskiftet, hvilket sker hver time. Petronas Twin Towers er et ideelt sted at tage en spektakulær selfie. Tårnene kan med rette betragtes som et højdepunkt på enhver tur til Kuala Lumpur. De giver dig muligheden for at nyde byens skyline og fange uforglemmelige øjeblikke på dit kamera. Du vil også besøge den Nationale Moske. Masjid Negara er bygget i 1965, og den ligger i hjertet af byen midt i frodige grønne haver. Du kan beundre en af de mest elegante bygninger i Kuala Lumpur, som byder på en spektakulær kuppelen dækket af grønne og blå fliser. Bygningen har også 48 mindre grønne kupler spredt over hele den Mecca-inspirerede plads. Det kinesiske Thean Hou-tempel er en smuk synergi af stilarter som buddhisme, taoisme, og konfucianisme, der tilsammen danner et uforglemmeligt arkitektoniskt samspil. Se mange statuer af dyr fra astrologiens verden og imponerende statuer af Barmhjertighedsgudinden og Havnefrontsgudinden. Se Lake Gardens, der er et smukt og beroligende tilflugtssted fra byens travlhed. Besøg Nationalmuseet, der er hjemsted for samlinger af antikke og moderne kunstværker, våben og traditionelle kostumer. Nyd den udsøgte facade på Kuala Lumpur Hovedbanegård, der er et rigtig godt sted at tage billeder med de eventyrlignende tårne og en blanding af arkitektur fra både øst og vest. Nationalmonumentet kaldes også Tugu Negara, og det er et mindesmærke for de liv, der blev tabt i kampen for den malaysiske uafhængighed. Det er designet af den amerikanske arkitekt Felix de Weldon, og dette monument er den højeste skulpturgruppe lavet af bronze, der nogensinde er skabt. I afslutningen af turen bliver du kørt tilbage til dit hotel i en behagelig minibus med aircondition.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat halvdagstur i byen

Kuala Lumpur: Privat halvdagstur i byen

Vores chaufførguide møder dig på dit hotel omkring det angivne afhentningstidspunkt, og på turen til vores første stop, Kongeslottet, fortæller chaufførguiden om byens rige historie, mens han udpeger berømte vartegn undervejs. Når du ankommer til det enorme kongepalads, går du udenfor og beundrer den komplicerede arkitektur og tager billeder af det enorme palads sammen med de kongelige vagter. Du sætter dig ind i bilen igen og kører til næste stop, Nationalmonumentet, hvor du bliver budt velkommen af en enorm bronzestatue til ære for landets faldne soldater. Chaufførguiden viser rundt og fortæller om bronzestatuen, inden turen går videre til den nationale moské. Når du ankommer til den nationale moské, vil du blive betaget af dens unikke paraplyformede design og enestående funktioner. Du kan beundre detaljerne og indfange moskéens skønhed på baggrund af den klare blå himmel. Chaufførguiden bringer dig derefter til den historiske Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, som med sin smukke arkitektur fører dig tilbage i tiden, mens vores chaufførguide fortæller dig om stationens historie og dens betydning som transitcenter i Kuala Lumpurs tidlige dage. Du bliver derefter bragt til den ikoniske Independence Square, hvor Malaysias uafhængighed blev erklæret. Du bliver mødt af en enorm plads omgivet af bygninger fra kolonitiden og den berømte cricketbane i engelsk stil. Derefter går du mod KL Gallery, hvor du får en unik udsigt over Kuala Lumpurs skyline ved hjælp af en miniaturekopi. Efter at have besøgt KL Gallery går du tilbage til køretøjet for næste stop, River of Life. Du vil bemærke de fantastiske omgivelser og skønheden i Klang- og Gombak-floderne, der løber sammen lige foran Masjid Jamek. Turen fortsætter gennem Den Gyldne Trekant, som er byens forretnings-, handels- og shoppingcenter. Vores chauffør-guide udpeger fremtrædende steder og forklarer udviklingen af Kuala Lumpur fra en beskeden tinmineby til en kæmpestor by. Efter at have kørt forbi Den Gyldne Trekant får du mulighed for at forkæle dine sanser i Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom, hvor du kan prøve et udvalg af chokolader og nyde deres rige og unikke smag og få mulighed for at købe dem. Ingen rejse til Kuala Lumpur er komplet uden et stop ved de berømte Petronas Twin Towers. Når du ankommer til tårnene, bliver du overrasket over deres enorme højde og smarte design. Chaufførguiden afslører fascinerende detaljer om tårnenes konstruktion og betydning som symbol på Malaysias modernitet og det nationale olie- og gasselskab, Petronas. Til sidst hopper vi tilbage i bilen til vores sidste stop, KL Tower, hvor du kan nyde panoramaudsigten over Kuala Lumpur fra oven. Når du ankommer til tårnet, bliver du ført op på observationsdækket, hvor du kan se hele byen brede sig ud under dig. Turen slutter, når du siger farvel til KL-tårnet, og vores chauffør og guide sætter dig af på dit hotel i Kuala Lumpur.

Kuala Lumpur: Tur med 21 attraktioner og billet til KL Tower

Kuala Lumpur: Tur med 21 attraktioner og billet til KL Tower

The starts off with a complimentary hotel pick-up by your friendly driver guide. On your way to the first stop, Batu Caves, your driver guide would brief you about the history of the temple and the caves surrounding it and would also remind you of the regulations and dress code that need to be adhered to while visiting the temple. Upon reaching the Batu Caves, you'll be greeted by the enormous Murugan statue located right next to the sacred Hindu sanctuary situated among limestone caves. Climb the 272 colorful steps to marvel at the impressive 140-foot golden statue Lord Murugan and the stunning cave interiors while enjoying panoramic views of the city below. Next, visit the King's Palace, the official residence of the Malaysian monarch. Drive past the impressive Parliament House, a symbol of Malaysia's political landscape, as you continue your journey. The driver guide would then bring you to visit the National Monument, a tribute to Malaysia's fallen heroes, surrounded by the serene Perdana Lake Gardens. This picturesque stop offers a moment of reflection amidst lush greenery. The tour continues to the beautiful National Mosque for a quick visit, where you admire the unique Islamic architecture and the minaret. After that, you'll get to stop at the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station which portrays a stunning example of Moorish heritage architecture. Explore Independence Square, home to colonial buildings and the world's tallest free-standing flagpole. Visit the KL Gallery (included) to see old photographs and learn about the city's rich history. You'll be brought to the River of Life a to witness the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers, a historically significant site marking Kuala Lumpur's beginnings. Then, drive through the Old Quarters of Kuala Lumpur, soaking in the charm of its colonial-era buildings before moving to the next stop. Enjoy a delicious local lunch at the famous Pelita restaurant (at your own expense), known for its sumptuous Malaysian cuisine. You'll then head up to the KL Tower's observation deck (ticket included) for breathtaking 360-degree views of the city. After admiring the panoramic views from KL Tower, you get to admire the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest twin structures in the world, perfect for an impressive photo opportunity. Drive past the vibrant Brickfields Little India before stopping to explore the bustling Chinatown nearby. At Chinatown's Petaling Street, you can wander through the lively streets and take in the bustling environment. You move on to Central Market, where you get to buy traditional Malaysian souvenirs. Visit the serene Guan Di Temple and the ornate Maha Mariamman Temple, each offering a glimpse into Kuala Lumpur's diverse religious heritage. If you wish, watch a hand-painted batik demonstration at Dong or visit Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom for a sweet treat. As your exciting day draws to a close, your driver guide will safely drop you off back at your hotel.

Kuala Lumpur: Byens seværdigheder, Batu-hulerne og dagsudflugt med ildfluer

Kuala Lumpur: Byens seværdigheder, Batu-hulerne og dagsudflugt med ildfluer

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through Kuala Lumpur's most iconic sights, venture into the historic Batu Caves, and end your day with a magical firefly boat tour in Kuala Selangor. The adventure begins with a complimentary pick-up from your hotel in Kuala Lumpur by our friendly driver guide. Upon pickup, you set off to the King's Palace as the guide points out noteworthy locations along the road. When you arrive at the enormous King's palace, you stroll outside to admire its majesty and intricate Islamic architecture, and imposing gates guarded by the royal guards. After the photo stop at King's Palace, the guide will bring you to the National Mosque of Malaysia, where you'll admire the delicate details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. From the National Mosque, you will be brought to the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, where you will learn about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur. After a quick photo stop, you get back into the vehicle for the next stop, Independence Square. Arriving at the Independence Square, you will be surrounded by colonial-era buildings and a renowned English-styled cricket pitch. Next, you walk your way to the KL Gallery, where you'll get a unique view of the city's model. Arriving at the gallery, you're intrigued by the miniature replica of Kuala Lumpur's skyline. You will have a photo stop at Masjid Jamek to admire the confluence of the Klang and Gombak Rivers right in front of the Jamek Mosque. After driving past the Golden Triangle, you will arrive at the majestic Petronas Twin Towers, which will captivate you with their 88-story towering height and sophisticated design. After exploring the city, you embark on a 30-minute drive to Batu Caves, one of Malaysia's most famous attractions. Climb the 272 colorful steps to the main temple, nestled within ancient limestone formations. Discover the many Hindu shrines and statues, and enjoy breathtaking views from the top. The Batu Caves offer a unique blend of natural beauty and spiritual significance. As the sun starts to set, head to the charming village of Kuala Selangor and travel up to Bukit Melawati, where you'll witness the famous Altingsburg Lighthouse with panoramic views of the surrounding area and encounter the adorable Silverleaf Monkeys and get the chance to feed them. Moving on, you get to enjoy a delicious seafood dinner, savoring the fresh flavors of the local cuisine. After dinner, board a boat for a magical journey along the Kuala Selangor river. Watch in awe as thousands of fireflies and blue tears light up the mangrove trees and the river, creating a mesmerizing display of natural lights. After the enchanting firefly tour, return to your hotel in Kuala Lumpur, concluding your day filled with incredible sights and unforgettable experiences.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat tur til Putrajaya og Batu-grotterne

Kuala Lumpur: Privat tur til Putrajaya og Batu-grotterne

The Grand Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, and Batu Caves Tour starts off with our driver guide picking you up at your hotel lobby at the designated time. Upon pickup, you set off to Batu Caves. On the way, the driver guide would advise you on the regulations and dress code that need to be followed while visiting the temple, as it is a place of worship. As you arrive at the Batu Caves, you are greeted by the 140-foot tall statue of Lord Murugan. As you climb 272 colorful steps into the cave shrine, you'll notice vivid murals of Hindu scripture and encounter the macaques that live on the lush cliff face as you approach the cave temple. After visiting Batu Caves, your driver guide will bring you back to Kuala Lumpur to visit the King's Palace, the official residence of the Malaysian monarch. Moving on, you'll visit the National Mosque, known for its beautiful modernist architecture, perfect for capturing memorable photos. You'll then proceed to the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, a magnificent example of Moorish architecture. Snap some photos before heading to Independence Square, surrounded by colonial buildings and featuring the world's tallest free-standing flagpole. You may walk your way to the KL Gallery nearby to view historical photographs and gain insights into Kuala Lumpur's past. Then, stop at the River of Life to see the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers, a historically significant site marking the city's origin. The next stop of the tour would be the KL Tower, the world's 7th tallest telecommunications tower, rising at 421 meters. The KL Tower's observation deck provides panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur. After descending, drive through the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur's commercial and shopping hub. After admiring the Kuala Lumpur skyline through the KL Tower, you'll stop for photos at the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest twin structures in the world, standing at an impressive 1,483 feet. The tour continues with a 45-minute journey to Putrajaya, a city that blends modernity with a charmingly rustic feel. As you arrive in Putrajaya, you stop at the Palace of Justice for a photo stop, you may enjoy its majestic structure. When you arrive at the Putra Mosque in Putrajaya, you are charmed by its gorgeous, pink-domed architecture. You step outside for a photo opportunity and appreciate the mosque's peaceful surroundings. After visiting the mosque, you step outside and visit the Putra Square, which is surrounded by modern architecture and is where you can photograph prominent sights. As we have a quick photo stop by the Prime Minister and Minister Offices in Putrajaya, you'll learn about the heart of Malaysia's government and its political significance. As you set to leave Putrajaya, you'll drive past the Prime Minister's Residence as you're in awe of its grandeur. As your enriching day concludes, your driver guide will return you to your hotel, leaving you with unforgettable memories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

Kuala Lumpur: Privat heldagstur til 10 vidundere

Kuala Lumpur: Privat heldagstur til 10 vidundere

Nyd den fantastiske udsigt over Klang floden fra Kongens palads, og beundre Merdeka pladsen (Uafhængighedspladsen), inden turen går til Petronas Twin Towers for at tage elevatoren til observationsdækket i verdens højeste tvillingetårne. Træd ud på den broens to etager for at opleve byen fra et andet perspektiv. Stop på National Museum, og tag derefter til Lake Gardens, og få lidt fred og ro. Gå en tur i National Monument, inden du fortsætter til National Mosque, for at se dens 73 meter høje minaret, og dens blanding af østlig og vestlig arkitektur. Beundr den anglo-asiatiske udformning af Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, som er skabt af den talentfulde engelske arkitekt, Arthur Benison Hubback. Gå til Thean Hou Temple med dens 6 lag, dedikeret til gudinden Tian Hou. Opdag, hvordan buddhisme, konfucianisme og taoisme kan eksistere i næsten perfekt harmoni, med udsmykkede udskæringer, elegante tage, og indviklede vægdekorationer. Besøg det syvende-højeste tårn i verden, og kom op i toppen for at få en panoramaudsigt over byen. Beundr fantastiske design af de iranske arkitekter, Isfahan, som har designet kuplerne i form af persiske muqarnas. Nyd en lækker, autentisk frokost, og shop unikke og autentiske håndværk.

Kuala Lumpur 4-timers tur til religiøs harmoni i Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur 4-timers tur til religiøs harmoni i Kuala Lumpur

Nyd en halvdagstur, der fremhæver de vigtige religiøse og kulturelle steder i og omkring Kuala Lumpur. Turen begynder kl. 09.00 med afhentning på hotellet og kørsel til Batu-hulerne i en airconditioneret bil med chauffør/guide. Batu-hulerne er en populær attraktion i Selangor. Grotterne, der er stedet for et hinduistisk tempel og helligdom, tiltrækker tusindvis af tilbedere og turister, især under den årlige hinduistiske festival Thaipusam. Der er 3 hovedgrotter med templer og hinduistiske helligdomme. En stejl klatring op ad 272 trin belønnes med udsigt over Kuala Lumpurs fantastiske skyline. Aberne boltrer sig omkring grotterne, og det er et populært sted for klatreentusiaster. I Ramayana-hulen kan man se malerier og afbildninger af hinduistiske guder. Besøg den nationale moské, eller Masjid Negara på det lokale sprog. Den blev bygget mellem 1963 og 1965 og skulle minde om Malaysias uafhængighed. Moskeen har plads til 15.000 mennesker og ligger på 13 hektar grønne områder og smukke haver. Dens design er dristigt og moderne og symboliserer det nyligt uafhængige lands forhåbninger. Dernæst skal du se Thean Hou-templet, et af de ældste og største templer i Sydøstasien. Det ligger sydvest for byen og er en populær turistattraktion. Det buddhistiske tempel med 6 etager er også kendt som Himlens gudinde-templet, som siges at beskytte fiskerne. Der er også en helligdom til Guan Yin, gudinden for barmhjertighed. Det blev bygget af KL's Hainanese samfund i 1894 og ligger på en bakke og byder på en vidunderlig udsigt over byen. Nyd et kort stop ved en sikh gurdwara, inden du besøger Brickfield Church og vender tilbage til dit hotel. Bemærk, at turen ikke kun omfatter religiøse steder, men også andre seværdigheder såsom National Monument, den gamle jernbanestation, Independence Square og Petronas-tvillingtårnene.

Fra KLIA eller Port Klang: Kuala Lumpur Transit Tour

Fra KLIA eller Port Klang: Kuala Lumpur Transit Tour

Discover the highlights of Kuala Lumpur on a tour ideal for those on transit from the airport or seaport and with less than a day to explore the city. The tour starts with a pick-up from Kuala Lumpur International Airport or the cruise terminal at Port Klang by our driver guide, who will then proceed to bring you to your first stop, Batu Caves. While on the scenic journey to the first stop of the tour, our driver guide would brief you about the history of the temples and would also remind you of the regulations and dress codes that need to be adhered to while visiting the places of worship. At the Batu Caves, you'll be greeted by the enormous 140-foot Murugan statue located right next to the sacred Hindu temples situated among 400-million year old limestone caves. You'll get the chance to climb up the 272 steps to reach the main cave temple, where you can admire the religious sculptures and vivid murals within and enjoy panoramic views of the city below. You'll then get back into the vehicle for a 30-minute ride back to Kuala Lumpur for your next stop, the King's Palace. On the way there, your driver guide will provide insights on Malaysia's royal lineage. Arriving at the enormous King's palace, you stroll outside to admire its intricate architecture and capture photographs of the massive palace along with the royal guards. You get back into the vehicle for the next stop, the National Mosque. When you arrive at the National Mosque, you'll be captivated by its unique umbrella-shaped design and outstanding features. You can admire the details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. The driver guide will then bring you to the Historic Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which transports you back in time with its beautiful Moorish architecture as our driver guide tells you about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur . You'll then be brought to the iconic Independence Square, where Malaysian independence was declared. You are met by a huge square surrounded by colonial-era buildings and the famous English-style cricket ground. Visitors are able to take photos and visit the KL Gallery right next to it. After departing from Independence Square, you will be driven along the streets of Kuala Lumpur City Center to your final stop, the Petronas Twin Towers. On the way there, you would drive past the “Golden Triangle”, the commercial and business hub of Kuala Lumpur, where you may find high-end shopping malls, luxury hotels, and unique high-rise architecture. When you arrive at the towers, you are taken aback by their sheer 88-story height as the driver guide reveals fascinating details on the towers' construction and significance as a symbol of Malaysia's modernity and the national oil and gas company, Petronas. As the transit tour concludes, your driver guide will safely drop you back at the airport or seaport in time to make your onward travel connections.

Kuala Lumpur byrundtur med billet til KL Tower

Kuala Lumpur byrundtur med billet til KL Tower

Our driver guide meets you at your hotel around the designated pickup time, and on the journey to our first stop, the King's Palace, the driver guide shares insights into Malaysia's royal lineage while pointing out famous landmarks along the way. Arriving at the enormous King's palace, you wander outside while admiring its intricate architecture and capture photographs of the massive palace along with royal guards. You get back into the vehicle for the next stop, the National Monument, where you're welcomed by a huge bronze statue honoring the country's fallen soldiers. The driver guide will give you a tour and provide facts about the bronze statue before heading to the National Mosque. When you arrive at the National Mosque, you'll be captivated by its unique umbrella-shaped design and outstanding features. You can admire the details and capture the mosque's beauty against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. The driver guide will then bring you to the Historic Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which transports you back in time by its beautiful architecture as our driver guide tells you about the station's history and its significance as a transit center in the early days of Kuala Lumpur. You'll then be brought to the iconic Independence Square, where Malaysian independence was declared. You are met by a huge square surrounded by colonial-era buildings and the famous English-style cricket ground. You'll then walk towards the KL Gallery, where you'll get a unique view of Kuala Lumpur's skyline by the miniature replica. After visiting the KL Gallery, you head back to the vehicle for the next stop, the River of Life. You'll notice the stunning setting and the beauty of the Klang and Gombak rivers merging right in front of Masjid Jamek. The tour continues through the Golden Triangle, which serves as the city's business, commercial and shopping hub. Our driver guide points out prominent sites and explains the development of Kuala Lumpur from a modest tin mining town. After driving past the Golden Triangle, you get to indulge your senses at Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom, where you can try a selection of chocolates, enjoying their rich and unique flavors, and get a chance to buy them. Enjoy a complimentary tea or coffee before moving on to the next stop. No trip to Kuala Lumpur is complete without a stop at the renowned Petronas Twin Towers. The driver guide reveals fascinating details on the towers' construction and significance as a symbol of Malaysia's modernity and the national oil and gas company, Petronas, as you marvel at the 88-story towers. Finally, we jump back into the vehicle for our final stop, the KL Tower, where you can enjoy panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur from above. When you arrive at the tower, you are permitted inside the observation deck, where you can enjoy 360-degree panoramic views of the cityscape. The tour concludes as you bid farewell to the KL tower, and our driver guide drops you off back at your hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

Store seværdigheder i Kuala Lumpur

Ting at lave i Kuala Lumpur Station

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(405 anmeldelser)

Fremragende tur, du kunne se alle de vigtige punkter i Kuala Lumpur, turen er virkelig komplet. Guiden, der hjalp mig, er super flink og høflig, altid bekymret for mit velbefindende, hjælper mig med de bedste valg og blev endda min officielle fotograf. Jeg anbefaler stærkt!!

Bilerne er ikke særligt velegnede til høje vesterlændinge, ruderne sidder lidt lavt så det er ikke let st se ud. Men det er nu en generel ting i Malaysia